A little bit about me!


So I'm Christina and I am the face behind Mutha Maker.
I started my small business back in 2018 after having my first daughter.
Previously I worked as a college lecturer teaching across all levels of Beauty Therapy, Theatrical Make up and Massage - occasionally dabbled in Math but we will forget that ever happened.
I'm from North London and have moved around a bit over the years. I did a 5 year stint in Devon for my partners work and it was incredible, but once we fell pregnant we wanted to be closer to family.
I do talk a lot so excuse the life story.
Anyway, the point of the story was I had my babies and didn't want to return to work and miss any precious time with them so Mutha Maker was created.
I have loved growing my small business and I hope that you love my makes as much as I love making them.
Stacey Soloman even purchased a few items from me (pinch me)
and I am proudly on the wall in Pickle Cottage.
I only went and got featured in OK Mag as well.
So much love
Christina x